Wednesday 6 June 2018

Spinal Radiotherapy

4th June - Dr P comes to see me first thing in the morning and she agrees to palliative rads on my spine. This is to help alleviate pain rather than to destroy cancer cells.

My skin mets are getting worse each day 😟 It's very worrying and it feels like the cancer is eating me alive. Each morning it appears to be spreading more and more. It's terrifying. All I can think is that if it's doing that to my outside, what is it doing to the inside of me.

Later that evening, Alex, Mum and Colin visit. They help me with eating my dinner. The pain I'm in is just so bad that trying to eat is still very hard. After dinner we go for a walk and bump into Dr P, she takes me to her appointment room and I sign the consent form agreeing to have radiotherapy. I'm told that as it is a one-off blast, it will probably be very painful for the next few days and it may also upset my stomach because of the location of the blast.

5th June - Mish visits first thing and we have a good gossip. Ahead of the CT planning, I'm given a very strong painkiller to enable me to lay flat and still on the bed. I'm also given a Clonazepam to help calm me. Mid-afternoon I am wheeled down on my bed to St Luke's Radiotherapy Centre. There they roll me from my hospital bed onto the radiotherapy bed. I'm moved into various different positions and drawn on with marker pens. The team then disappear into their room away from the radiotherapy beams before returning and giving me little tattoos to make sure the correct area is targetted.

My PICC line arm is reacting more and more and is also beginning to swell 😞

My allergy to the PICC line dressing

6th June - Today I had my radiotherapy. I relaxed in the morning and about lunchtime I was taken down to St Lukes for the radiotherapy. I'm rolled from my bed onto the radiotherapy bed. I have to lie on my side slightly and then I have the radiotherapy. The rads itself doesn't hurt. It's all done within an hour, I'm wheeled back to my bed in Tilgate Annexe and I fall asleep. I end up sleeping through dinner. When Alex, Mum and Colin arrive later that evening, I am in severe pain. It is actually making me writhe and scream out. Alex goes and finds me something to eat and one of the ward nurses takes it upon herself to completely look after me. She gives me as many painkillers as I am allowed, as often as I am allowed them. In the end, I am so dosed up I fall asleep. I feel like I have only been asleep for a few minutes, so when I wake up I message Mum to see if they have just disappeared to the canteen. Turns out they had actually left 2 hours previously! I am in so much pain, I just hope it's worth it!

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