Thursday 4 May 2017


I've been so scared that the doctor had misdiagnosed me that I kept on going for appointments and pushing and being a general pain in the arse.

Thank fuck I did. On Tuesday I went to the breast specialist who felt my areas of concern and told me she was "not concerned" but that she would refer me for an ultrasound anyway.

Today I had that ultrasound and they have done a biopsy as they have spotted a bit they want to investigate further. But basically they think my cancer is back. I have to wait a max of 7 days for the results to come back and they are also booking me in for a bone scan and a CT scan. Holy fucking shit.


  1. So sorry to hear this, Jo. Keeping everything crossed for you. Keep us posted xx

  2. Lots of love again Jo. Caroline xxx

  3. Good that you didn't give up on pushing them, I hope and pray that you will get good news - everything crossed too
