Sunday 22 June 2014

2 Year Cancerversary

Today is my 2 year Cancerversary. Although obviously 22nd June 2012 is not a date I particularly want to remember, I think it is really important for me to mark the date in some way. It's important for me to do something special and nice on this date as way of saying "Screw You Cancer I Kicked Your Ass".
When I got up this morning, Rob was already at his parents house unloading our worldly goods into their garage (we're moving soon, flat is going on the market this week - super exciting!). On the way home he picked up some shopping and bought me an awesome cake and a lovely bunch of flowers.
We then went for a nice walk in Leechpool Woods with Fagin and in the afternoon we went to Caroline and Mo's with Bob and Laura for a BBQ in the sunshine.
A day of lovely memories!

1 comment:

  1. Fantastic, happy's to next year too.
    My 2 year anniversary will be in November
