Saturday, 1 September 2012

Happy Birthday Sarah

Today was Sarah's 30th Birthday and she had a fab village fête in her and Dave's garden where she raised around £100 for charity. I was brave & wore Erika, got lots of compliments for it :) I did feel kinda paranoid & like everyone was looking at it but I'm proud of myself for giving her her first 'proper' outing. Thanks for a fab day Sarah :)

Photo courtesy of Steve Pratt
Also, as I hadn't seen Kelly since my birthday(!) she gave me my fab pressies, an Ipad cover and this funky Border Terrier Doormat :) Thank you Kelly

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for choosing to debut Erika at the party!
    I genuinely think if you hadn’t been so honest on here, half the party wouldn’t even have know you had her on. The colour is such a good match it really is like you’ve just had a haircut.
    And thanks for all the spoons ;) (yeah I know I’m jumping ahead an entry but I read in one go).
    SJP x
