This week has been pretty busy which is good, each day that passes is a day closer to getting through chemo.
On Tuesday I had my LGFB course in the afternoon and then in evening I went to Book Club. I'm trying to think but I don't recall actually talking about the book once! We did have fab chats, takeaway (well I had vegetable noodles - yawn), played with Mary's beautiful kids (Mary has a fab blog - see here), looked at Pinterest and played with bead craft.
On Wednesday my dad came over for dinner and bought some fab pressies with him, some lovely coasters and this picture which is already up in the kitchen as it matches perfectly with our colours:

It was really good to have a catch up, he brought "the world's best quiche" for dinner which was scrummy and we watched the Paralympics Opening Ceremony. I still have more hair than him too which made us both laugh :)
This week I received some flowers from one of my work suppliers which was really kind:
Grazie Enoitalia :)
Yesterday I FINALLY (after a fortnight of stress and worrying about it) got through my new date for chemo (as next week I'll be changing drugs to Docetaxel - hereafter T or Tax). I'm meeting with the Guildford Chemo nurses on Wednesday next week and then starting chemo on Friday. It's the same routine, 3 chemo sessions, 1 every 3 weeks. To be honest I'm pretty scared about moving onto T as people talk about getting hit by the Tax Truck. Where FEC makes you feel sick, tired and hurts your veins, Tax is more joint pain and neuralgia and it can make you lose your nails, eyelashes and eyebrows :( You can read more about it here I've just got to remember that the SEs are all temporary and it's for the greater good (doesn't stop me feeling frightened though).